The origins of the Romanians is controversial, because Romanian intellectuals created and kept alive the as yet unproven Daco-Roman origin and continuity theory, Schramm, Gottfried (Germany): 1.) ”Ein Damm bricht. Die römische Donaugrenze und die Invasionen des 5-7. Jahrhunderts in Lichte der Namen und Wörter”[=A Dam Breaks: The Roman Danube frontier and the Invasions of the 5th-7th Centuries in the Light of Names and Words] (in German). R. Oldenbourg Verlag.) (1997) 2.) “Fruhe Schicksale der Romanen” Zeitschrift fur Balkanologie vol. XXI/2 (1985) pp. 223-241 (Early Fates of the Romanians: Eight Theses on the Localization of Latin continuity in Southeastern Europe The expanded article is translated into Romanian and published in Romania as a book--“Destine timpurii ale românilor: opt teze referitoare la localizarea continuitatii latine în Europa Sud-estica.” It is also trans...
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